School sessions
Over the summer, I was approached by another local photographer about the possibility of doing school sessions for her daughter's preschool. I had never thought about school sessions before - truthfully, I had always admired how brave preschool photographers were - but after thinking about it, decided to give it a try. After all, I love working with kids, haven't always been impressed with the photos my own son has brought home, and thought it might be kinda fun.
Then something happened.
One request for a preschool morphed into other schools approaching me. Before I knew it, I had 9 sessions lined up for this year, with another 2 in discussions and an elementary school approaching me as well.
I'm three sessions into the seven I have lined up for October. In the past week and a half, I've done 80-90 individual portrait sessions for students, teachers and parents. In addition to a few class photos, sibling photos and mom & me photos.
The one thing I've learned is to expect the unexpected with preschoolers. The kids we never expect to smile who end up giving us the sweetest grins. The ones who insist on a certain chair for the class photo, or who are only willing to do the individual photo if they can stand up for it. Then, of course, there are the kids who do something you never would expect. Like the one who walks into the group picture stark naked...after proudly taking a bathroom trip solo. :)
So it turns out that I love doing school sessions. What a great way to meet kids and get to spend time capturing their joy, their enthusiasm, their innocent grins. Life is good.
If you're interested in chatting with me about doing school photos for your school, please send me a message!
(These school photos are of children who are also family friends; their parents have granted special consent for me to publish their pictures.)