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An update

It's been a busy few months. Sometimes I haven't had a chance to sit still. Between summer vacation, photography, and just general life, things have been busy.

But busy is good. Over the summer, my kids were happy and healthy. Activities were plentiful, and the days were full of sunshine and love. We opened our home to six international students, one of whom will be with us through the autumn and winter as well. We traveled as much as we could...New York and points east in the early summer, Seattle in July and Whistler in August.

And despite our busy personal lives, I was booked solid. Two weddings as the primary shooter and one as a secondary. Roughly 2 family sessions per week. A mega birthday party for 11 sweet 1-year-olds and their families, and repeated event photography at Emma Lea Farms and with The Studio. A handful of beach sessions scattered through July and August, and repeated trips to Larry Berg Flight Path Park for my beloved Little Aviator sessions. New seasons has brought new babies as the weather has started changing, August and September have seen 8 newborns pass in front of my camera lens.

The busy-ness of the summer has been part of an amazing journey that seems to be carrying forward into the fall. Aside from one space left this month, I'm generally booked solid into late October. Alongside my regular sessions, I'll be adding in some school photography and other sessions in the coming months. Come December, I'm excited to announce that I'll be doing Breakfast with Santa pictures for the Ladner Business Association.

I have a smattering of mini session dates at local parks open through the fall, and am also offering on-demand children-only sessions in my indoor studio. If you're interested in booking one of these sessions, please message me or call with some dates and times that work for you. I've been so blessed by all of these wonderful people who are letting me capture their journeys.

Our own journey has been amazing. Both of my children started school this year - one in kindergarten, and the other in preschool. Watching their changes and growth has been one of the highlights of being a mom. And the true unpredictability of being a parent, today is the first day with both kids in school for extended hours. Naturally, it's also the day that the little one is home sick. So much for some much needed Mom time.

As life slows down from the craze of the summer and we get back into our fall routines, I hope to revamp my page and add in a lot of summer sessions. In the meantime, if you're interested in a fall or winter session, please contact me sooner rather than later. With birthdays, Halloween and the winter holidays around the corner, it's going to be a wonderfully busy and exciting time of year.

With love and gratitude this fall. <3

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